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Grace Abounding
John Bunyan is known across the English-speaking world as the author of
The Pilgrim's Progress. But who was Bunyan, and what was it that provided
him with the stimulus and inspiration to write that most revered and well-loved
of allegories?
The answer can, in part, be found in Grace Abounding, for it is here
that we are given a glimpse into Bunyan's own spiritual experience. The
vivid images of Pilgrim's Progress, are brought to mind as Bunyan
tells of his own pilgrimage - how he came to understand and rest in the
love of God in Christ.
The full title of Bunyan's story is Grace Abounding to the Chief
of Sinners. Like the apostle Paul, it was the remembrance of his past sins that
brought Bunyan to appreciate the great grace that God has shown towards him.
Written for the benefit of his 'spiritual children', Bunyan's
intention was that 'others may be put in remembrance of what he hath done
for their souls, by reading his work upon me.'
Recommended € 17,90
The Pilgrim's Progress. But who was Bunyan, and what was it that provided
him with the stimulus and inspiration to write that most revered and well-loved
of allegories?
The answer can, in part, be found in Grace Abounding, for it is here
that we are given a glimpse into Bunyan's own spiritual experience. The
vivid images of Pilgrim's Progress, are brought to mind as Bunyan
tells of his own pilgrimage - how he came to understand and rest in the
love of God in Christ.
The full title of Bunyan's story is Grace Abounding to the Chief
of Sinners. Like the apostle Paul, it was the remembrance of his past sins that
brought Bunyan to appreciate the great grace that God has shown towards him.
Written for the benefit of his 'spiritual children', Bunyan's
intention was that 'others may be put in remembrance of what he hath done
for their souls, by reading his work upon me.'
Recommended € 17,90
Grace Abounding
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